NATO conducts maritime drills with Algerian Navy
ESPS Alvaro de Bazán, the NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) flagship, carried out a training program in the Mediterranean with the Algerian ship El Moudamir on 14 September 2020.
The exercise took place after a three-day visit to Algiers' capital, with the goal of growing cooperation between NATO Maritime Command and Algeria, a member of the Mediterranean Dialog Program of NATO.
Since 2000, Algeria has been a member of NATO 's Mediterranean Dialogue Programme, and NATO Maritime Standing Groups visit Algiers on a regular basis to improve military dialogue and encourage cooperation.
From 12 to 14 September the flagship, Spanish frigate Alvaro de Bazán, visited Algiers. The aim of the visit was to strengthen the relations between Algeria and NATO, as well as to reinforce a partnership that faces similar threats and challenges, including terrorism and a wide range of illegal activities in the maritime sector.
Following their departure from Algiers, the flagship of SNMG2, ESPS Alvaro de Bazán, and MRA El Moudamir proceeded to the practice areas.
The training program included a passing exercise as well as communications and manoeuvre exercises, which are crucial to working together at sea and promoting the region's mutual maritime safety.
Maritime Business World