Greece and NATO assets conduct Niriis-2020 exercise in the Mediterranean
Hellenic Navy and NATO assets The Standing Naval Maritime Group-2 carried out the Niriis-2020 naval exercise on the southern island of Crete between 17 and 19 November.
The exercise was carried out under the orders of the General Staff of the Hellenic National Defence and was prepared by the General Staff of the Hellenic Navy.
The Hellenic Navy participated in the exercise with two frigates, two fast-attacking crafts and a submarine. The Hellenic Air Force also participated in the exercises with four F-16 jets. Two frigates and a NATO Standing Naval Maritime Group-2 replenishing tanker participated in the exercise.
The purpose of the exercise was to train participants on technological and tactical goals aimed at preserving and improving operational readiness and combat skills at the national and alliance levels.
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