Damen to build two Tier III-compliant tugs for Port of Antwerp
Damen Shipyards signed a contract with the Port of Antwerp to build two RSD Tugs 2513.
“As a result of the always bow first approach, Damen has been able to incorporate a higher freeboard than would usually be possible on a tug of this size – meaning no water on deck, improved seakeeping and increased safety,” the Dutch shipbuilder stated.
The low emission tugs will be fitted with a fully qualified Marine NOX reduction system from Damen, making them compliant with IMO Tier III, and fitted with firefighting capabilities of FiFi 1.
“We attach great importance to creating a sustainable port. We are systematically replacing our tugs by modern type, more environmentally friendly tugs. Buying the two Damen tugs fits in this framework. The new tugs have more fuel-efficient engines and a more efficient propulsion, which significantly reduces fuel consumption. In addition, we are developing two new prototypes for hydrogen and methanol propulsion,” Celine Audenaerdt, technical manager Port of Antwerp stated.
Maritime Business World