Towing vessel fire on the lower Mississippi River
The Jacob Kyle Rusthoven, valued at an estimated $1.5 million, burned completely.
The Jacob Kyle Rusthoven was reported to be pushing a tow of either nine or 12 barges of rocks. It was pushed by responders to the Arkansas bank of the river, where firefighting efforts continued. The crew members were reported safe.
As the fire spread, three of the barges broke away from the tow, and one rolled over and lost its cargo. All six crew members abandoned the vessel onto the barges, from where they were rescued by a Good Samaritan vessel.
All six crewmembers abandoned the vessel onto the barges, from where they were rescued by a Good Samaritan vessel. Due to smoke inhalation, the crew was later sent to the hospital and discharged the same day. No pollution was reported. The Jacob Kyle Rusthoven, valued at an estimated $1.5 million, burned completely.
The 1,800 hp., twin-screw Jacob Kyle Rusthoven has a long river history under many names. It was built in 1968 by Jeffboat in Jeffersonville, Ind. Originally operated by Humble Oil & Refining Company, Houston, Texas, it was named the Esso Texas; it was renamed the Exxon Texas in 1973 after that company’s reorganization and rebranding.
Maritime Business World