SCHOTTEL wins propulsion contract for U.S. Navy vessels
SCHOTTEL says several orders have been received to supply US Navy propulsion systems. This additional order of five Workboat Docking vessels and two YTL tugs-all to be constructed at Tacoma, Washington's Modutech Marine Inc. yard-is a continuation of th
For each Workboat Docking vessel the main propulsion consists of a SCHOTTEL SRP 150 azimuthing unit with fixed pitch propellers with a diameter of 1,05 m and an input power of 335 kW. These are powered by diesel engines. The rudderpropellers will be fitted with the new high-performance SDC40 nozzle, which combines compact design and high efficiency of propulsion.
Two SCHOTTEL Rudderpropellers of type SRP 270 FP with a propeller diameter of 1.85 m and an input power of 970 kW can propel each of the Robert Allan designed YTL tugs. They are going to be powered by Diesel engines. The vessels reach a free running speed of around 10 knots and an estimated bollard pull of 32.7 tonnes with this propulsion system.
The U.S. concept for Navy will also include upgrades for new EPA Tier 4 engines and related systems, as well as comprehensive fendering above and below the U.S. waterline. Surface naval boats, submarines, and barges.
Maritime Business World