SAFE Boats signs $20 million contract with Ukraine
The US SAFE Boats International company has signed a $20 million deal to supply Ukraine two Mk.VI speedboats.
SAFE Boats International is an American company that designs and manufactures aluminum boats for military, law enforcement and fire experts. SAFE Boats, headquartered just outside Seattle, is 100 percent owned and run by Americans.
The U.S. Mk VI is The Navy's next-generation patrol boat is part of the fleet of combatant craft of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC).
For the purpose of force protection of friendly and coalition forces and vital infrastructure, the Mk VI PB's role is to provide operational commanders with the ability to patrol shallow littoral areas outside protected harbors and bays and into less sheltered open water.
For optimum performance, fuel economy, and firepower, the Mk VI is planned.
Systems are designed to minimize the overall cost of ownership (TOC), reduce manpower and improve reliability and maintenance. Powered by twin diesel engines and water jets, the Mk VI PB is capable of full load speeds of more than 30 knots (55 km/h) and a range of more than 600 nautical miles (1,280 km). To allow extended missions, she has berthing accommodations, a galley and head/shower facilities.
Maritime Business World