NATO Maritime Group One conducts exercises with the German Navy
The Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1), headed by the Canadian frigate Halifax's SNMG1 flagship, conducted a series of passing training exercises in the North Sea with the German Navy between 26-29 January.
A PASSEX or "Passing Exercise" refers to training with our NATO Allies' national navies and partners as they pass through or near their territorial waters.
SNMG1 was in transit through German waters in this specific case and had a planned port visit to the naval base in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Conducting regular military-to-military interactions and training exercises of high intensity among our naval forces enhances our common awareness and knowledge of the maritime platforms, capabilities, tactics and procedures of each other.
For the shared benefit of all involved, PASSEX offered great opportunities to improve the joint operational readiness and interoperability between the participating forces.
These efforts are paying future dividends by improving NATO's collective capacity to respond in a timely and efficient manner to threats to maritime security and trade across the full spectrum of operations in the region and around the world.
The exercise series was attended by the SNMG1 vessels HMCS Halifax and the German tanker Spessart as well as the German Navy frigates Baden-Württemberg and Bayern. Officer of the Watch maneuvers, embarked helicopter cross-deck developments, replenishment at sea, and numerous other operational training series were illustrated by PASSEX.
Maritime Business World