Maersk Tankers increases its managed fleet by more than 20%
Following the new deal signed with Xihe Holdings (Xihe), the 60% holding company for Singapore's Xihe Group of Companies, Maersk Tankers has expanded its operated fleet by more than 20 percent so far this year.
The controlled fleet of Maersk Tankers now stands at over 220 vessels.
Maersk Tankers entered into a commercial agreement earlier this month which sees it take over the running of four Xihe-owned product tankers.
“With more ships available, the pools can offer greater flexibility to customers in transporting their cargoes. This also helps optimise the utilisation of the fleet, which can result in lower CO2 emissions and higher earnings for partners in the company’s pools,” the company announced.
The new contract, as advised, is in line with the company's strategy of building scale through partnerships driven by the use of digital technology to minimize CO2 emissions and improve partner returns.
Early in December, the first of the four boats, the MR Ocean Mercury, was already part of the MR Lake. Over the coming weeks, the next three tankers, two MR vessels and a 9,500-dwt vessel, will join the fleet.
According to Maersk Tankers, the fleet boost helps both established pool partners and the cargo customers of the pools.
Maersk Tankers, founded in 1928, remained a part of the A.P. Moller-Maersk until 2017, when it became an independent business. Now it is owned by A.P. Moller Holding by APMH Invest, its subsidiary.
Maritime Business World