- Sanmar signs contract with new customer in Bulgaria for multi-purpose tug
- Sanmar’s latest Ramparts 2400SX-MKII arrives in Norway
- Sanmar signs first contract of 2025 to build a new tug for Ultratug
- Sanmar Signs Deal to Provide Major Global Operator With Fully Electric Tug
- CMA D. Argoudelis Invests €5M in Marine Battery Research
- Sanmar Delivers Two Tugboats to Support Coastal Safety Operations in Turkey
- Sanmar Delivers New Ice Class 1A Tug To Work In Northern Baltic
- Powerful Sanmar-Built Tug Joins Her Sister Working In Croatia
- Busy eight months of successful operations for Europe’s first fully electric tug
- Sanmar Launches Latin America’s First Fully Electric Tugboat for SAAM Towage