First ship passed under raised bridges of Saint-Petersburg in 2020
The Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) says the first ship moved on the night of April 16-17 under the elevated bridges at Saint-Petersburg. It was the Bavly tanker bound for Yaroslavl where oil products will be loaded.
The team of both Volga-Baltic Administration state port control inspectors and pilots started working in high alert regime with regard to all appropriate steps under current epidemiological circumstances in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Volga-Baltic Administration operates a network of engineering facilities spanning almost 5,000 kilometers of rivers with assured measurements of 3,000 kilometers. Under VBA's oversight, there are 11 locks, three HPPs, 24 earth dikes and dams, 12 ferry ties, 8 lighthouses in the Ladoga lake, more than 4,500 navigation aids and more than 200 support fleet units.
Cargo transportation inside the Volga-Baltic Basin amounted to 15.77 million tons in 2019, passenger transportation – 349,000 cruise ship passengers and 2.84 million passengers on Saint Petersburg's commuter and leisure routes.
Maritime Business World