Wärtsilä to receive delivery of four LNG cargo tanks from China
On August 28, Wärtsilä Gas Solutions took delivery from the company's supplier in China of four LNG cargo tanks.
Efficient completion of this delivery will allow full cargo handling system to be implemented on time.
The system is intended for the construction of a new 5400 m3 LNG bunker barge for Polaris New Energy, LLC (PNE), at the Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding (FBS) yard in Wisconsin, USA.
The four cargo tanks are fitted with internal piping, machinery, and access systems.
Detailed logistics preparation has been required for transport to yard. The tanks were transported to Shanghai by barge, where they were loaded onto the heavy-lift vessel.
The ship will pass through the Panama Canal after crossing the Pacific, and then travel north along the eastern seaboard of the USA on its way to the shipyard on Lake Michigan via the St Lawrence Seaway.
The ship is scheduled to arrive as anticipated in late October, which is in line with the timetable for the yard to deliver the barge to PNE end-2021.
In addition to the tanks, the complete Wärtsilä scope for this project includes the system design and integration, the LNG pumps, a ship-to - ship transfer system, ship-to - shore communication channel, all essential safety and control equipment and more.
Maritime Business World