The Company GmbH is participating in Jamade Germany Gmbh and Amazea
COMPANY GmbH has acquired astake in the start-up company JAMADE GERMANY and signed a correspondingagreement today in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. Shortly after their firstanniversary, JAMADE GERMANY GMBH gains a strong partner for the furtherdevelopment of th
JAMADE GERMANY GMBH was founded in July 2018 as a technology company
in the field of electromobility. Its focus is on the development, production
and sale of electrically powered sports equipment for various application
areas - always exemplary in technology, sustainability and service.
AMAZEA, an electrically powered aquajet based on the catamaran principle,
enables people to move nimbly through the water just like a dolphin. The
Aquajet opens up a new category in water sports and appeals to all user
groups and families with an affinity for water and nature sports. The products’
properties also open up professional applications in the field of water
rescue and industrial use.
COMPANY GMBH is a holding company owned by the entrepreneur couple
Louisa and Alexander Lehmann and used to promote young and creative
companies with forward-looking technologies and products. "In addition to
the innovative product in additive manufacturing technology, it was above
all the shared values such as sustainability and service that convinced us,"
says Louisa Lehmann, Managing Director of COMPANY GmbH and Alexander
Lehmann, Managing Director of Minol Messtechnik W. Lehmann GmbH & Co.
KG adds: "As a water sports fan, I am thrilled by the undreamt-of agility of
the AMAZEA and the opportunity to experience the element of water in a
completely new way! The AMAZEA is fun for the whole family!
The three founders of JAMADE GERMANY GMBH Janko Duch, Martin Oser
and Detlef Klages are very excited about the participation of and partnership
with the entrepreneur couple Lehmann. "We have found partner shareholders
who share our values and our motivation and who at the same time
are convinced of the success of the company with the AMAZEA brand", says
Martin Oser, Managing Director of JAMADE GERMANY GMBH.
Experience endless pure driving pleasure - BE ALIVE. BE AMAZEA!
Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 31 July 2019, Press Release