ACO Claimers Delivered For Installation On Newhigh-Specification Nibulon Tugs
ACO Marine has delivered three of its smallest Clarimar wastewater treatment units to Ukraine-based Nibulon Shipbuilding and Repair Yard for installation aboard a series of high specification project tugs.
Nibulon, Ukraine’s leading exporter of agricultural products, grains and fertilizers with a history dating back to the nineteenth century, entered the shipbuilding and repair sector in 2012, following the acquisition and development of a yard on the Southern Bug River, near the company’s trans-shipment terminal, in Mykolayiv.
Three 1200hp tugboats, built to the yard’s 121M Project Tug design, will be delivered to Nibulon’s own account for barge assist operations on the Ukraine’s network of inland waterways. Each vessel will feature a Clarimar MF-0.5 wastewater management system, proving a treatment capacity of up to 1.2m3 per day from a system with footprint of just 1.63m2.
Victor Zhigalenko, Sales Director ACO Marine Systems, said: “This is an important reference for ACO Marine in the tug and workboat sector. The Clarimar units we have delivered to the Nibulon yard are the smallest units we manufacture. Tugs typically have small machinery spaces so the Clarimar MF 0.5 is perfectly suited for this type of vessel.”
ACO Marine Managing Director Mark Beavis, added: “Nibulon has implemented an extensive newbuild programme and we are therefore delighted that the Clarimar system has been selected for these innovative tug boats. Winning this contract, the first we have secured to supply Ukraine-built vessels, will help us increase our leverage in both the workboat sector and Ukraine’s nascent shipbuilding and repair industry.”
Serge Bosrijo, Managing Director of Sudoservice, ACO Marine’s Ukraine-based agent, said: “Nibulon Shipbuilding and Repair has quickly earned a solid reputation for high quality tugs that are built to meet the highest environmental standards. A decisive factor in Sudoservice securing the order for ACO Marine was that all of the company’s wastewater treatment systems are compliant with the IMO’s stringent wastewater discharge requirements in regulation MEPC 227 (64).”
Since 2013, when shipbuilding and repair operations began, Nibulon Shipbuilding and Repair has delivered two 2500hp POSS-115 project tugs, three 90m non-self-propelled project vessels, three 1200hp 121 project tugs, a C14938 project mobile floating crane, and three 70m non-self-propelled B2000 design project vessels.
New orders include twenty-four non-self-propelled vessels of the B4000 design, a self-propelled dredger, two 3500hp seagoing tugs and a non-self-propelled floating crane.
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