A new understanding of maritime: The Maritime House
The Maritime House aiming to offer a new service concept for the Turkish maritime opened with a cocktail party held in October 5th.Kaynak: A new understanding of maritime: The Maritime House
The Maritime House concept originated from the association of three different companies which are in the leader position in its field.
The Maritime House introducing the Turkey maritime industry with a new service concept opened on October 5th in the office located in Ağaoğlu My Office. In this concept formed by combined power of Esko Marine, Alpha Marine Consulting Turkey and Nexus Maritime İstanbul, there are many services from consulting to technical support. In the opening, the officials of these three companies undersigned The Maritime House concept were ready. The opening, hosting M. Erhan Esinduy and Adem Kocadağ on behalf of Eskomarine; Labros Digonis, Zacharias Yerasimou, Antonis Iordanidis on behalf of Alpha Marine; Nicholas Tassios on behalf of Nexus Maritime İstanbul, brought together the leading names in the maritime industry. The Maritime House concept will operate in a very large area such as ship systems supplying, technical support, shipyard representation, personal protection services, and survey services on behalf of ship owners, process monitoring and consultancy. The concept aiming to demonstrate the quality and expertise while rendering these services is under the roof of The Maritime House which is the duly authorized Istanbul Office in Turkey of Liberian Registry which is the world's second largest flag.
"Our goal is to provide a high quality service to ship owners"
About The Maritime House, M. Erhan Esinduy stated in the statement made to Vira News that “Our aim is to bring together the companies that are leaders in their field in the maritime industry and to give very high quality and valuable services to ship owners under one roof in Turkey.” Stating The Maritime House was a new idea and they focused on this idea for nearly a year, Esinduy said that “As three companies gathered under the roof The Maritime House, we are highly committed to each other and provide a wide range of services. It is a very new idea and there is no such structure even in Greece”.
"Ship owners will gain extra earnings by trusting us"
In his new statement about the concept, Adam Kocadağ said that “Our ambition is to ensure the ship owners do their works in most profitable way. Ship owners will gain extra earnings by trusting us.” Drawing attention to the experience of the Greek partners, Kocadağ added that “The Greek fleet is a larger fleet than us. Naturally, they solve 10 times more problems in a year as the accidents encountered by our ship owners. Thus, we have a serious experience and we have a great plus. What important here is to tell this fact to the potential customers. In addition to the media support, we will make one to one visits and organize training courses and seminars. Initially, it will be difficult but I believe that we will reveal the difference of our company in a short time and grow. At this point, our ship owners also need to be open to changes because they will concretely see the benefits provided by this work”.
Vira Maritime