Olşen Gözübüyük, Country Manager at AVS Greece Global Supply Representation Office, says that they have grown their business volume with the right steps they have taken in Greece.

Olşen Gözübüyük stated that AVS Greece Global Supply started operations in Greece in 2018 and that the pandemic has been especially challenging for newly established companies. Gözübüyük said that they have attracted the attention of other companies at the time of a fierce competition and increased their business volume thanks to the center's support and the right steps they have taken.

Pointing out that there is a lot of competition in Greece and that the companies' co-operation with one another dates back many years, "While our operations continue with our good relations here, we have also started to do business in other parts of Europe” he said. “We carry out our activities in Europe from Greece. With a wide range of products and flexible maneuverability, we satisfied our customers through the most challenging times and ensured that they continued to work with us. We provide a high-quality and customer-focused service 24/7. As a Turkish company, we are faced with prejudices, but we have seen many times that the people of the two countries are affectionate with each other. We have become competitive in this voluminous market in a short time by breaking prejudices with the quality of service we provide and our approach to solving problems."